Program: Economic Recovery from Ebola for Liberia (EREL)
This project, the Economic Recovery from Ebola for Liberia (EREL) is being implemented by YMCA and other partners nation-wide. The Liberia YMCA is a partner supporting the implementation of the Mercy Corps EREL Program which is intended to assist 30,000 households (150,000) beneficiaries), who have been economically affected by the Ebola outbreak in Liberia. The EREL project is targeting three of the most affected counties- Montserrado, Margibi and Lofa Counties.
YMCA and Mercy Corps are providing support for conduct of spot checks on beneficiaries registered by Committees, conduct training for beneficiaries, and support cash disbursement to beneficiaries and conduct of agriculture trade fair. The team will also monitor the activities of beneficiaries and play mediation role to resolve any issue between community committees and local council arising related to the project implementation.
The EREL Program targets households the most at risk of food insecurity, including those who have suffered directly from the ebola virus disease and/or other diseases and could not access health care due to the partial collapse of the health system; and poor and market-dependent households with below average household income and food shortages. Priority is given to those household with children, and female-headed households. input vouchers' recipients was selected among the cash transfers' participants and include those who have experienced a decrease in production of at least 10%, and do not benefit for the FED and other agriculture project.
Program: Securing Healthy Lives and Sustainable Livelihoods for Vulnerable Youth in Rural Liberia
Beneficiary Rita Korto of the Basic Skill Vocation Training Center. Beneficiary Nathaline Quawon (left), and friend of Diana Beauty Salon.
With funding from the Department for International Development. (DFID) in the UK and Big Lottery Fund, this project is aimed at reducing poverty among 10,000 vulnerable young people in Liberia. It will target five of Liberia's most deprived rural areas in Grand Gedeh, Lofa, Bong and Nimba Counties. Young women and men aged 15-24 will receive vocational training and support to access employment or establish small businesses. They will also benefit from improved sexual and reproductive health information and services as well as training in citizenship, budget monitoring and advocacy. This training will enable young women and men to more effectively participate in and influence decision-making in their communities as well as wider regional and national policy and practice.
The overall objective of the project is to improve the economic and health status of 10,000 vulnerable young men and women in 5 target locations (Ganta, Yekepa, Gbarnga, Zorzor & Zwedru) in the four counties (Nimba, Bong, Lofa & Grand Gedeh) in Liberia.
At the end of the project, the following results are expected to be achieved:
1.Increased sustainable livelihoods for 1,000 vulnerable young people in 5 target locations (Ganta, Yekepa, Gbarnga, Zorzor & Zwedru), including at least 60% young women.
2.Ten thousand (10,000) vulnerable young people access quality health information and services in 5 target locations (Ganta, Yekepa, Gbarnga, Zorzor & Zwedru).
3.Empowerment of 1,320 young people to advocate for improved livelihoods and health support.
Six thousand (6,000) young women, including women from vulnerable group's e.g.female-headed households, teenage mothers and CSWs in 5 target locations. (At least 75% aged 15-24).
Four thousand (4,000) young men, including from vulnerable groups e.g.ex-combatants in 5 target locations. (At least 75% aged 15-24).
One hundred sixty (160) representatives of county/district-level government health care service providers, including 60% females.
Program: The Ebola Community Action Platform (ECAP 2)
ECAP 2- Community Support Officer Creating Awareness
The Ebola Community Action Platform or ECAP 2 is under the management of Mercy Corps and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Office for Foreign Development Assistance (OFDA), and is being implemented by local implementing partners across the country in 1,500 communities in 15 counties in Liberia including the Liberia YMCA.
The objective of ECAP 2 is to build preparedness at the grassroots level against a possible future outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and other diseases with similar symptoms.
The initiative will further improve coordination of civil society actors by facilitating the development of community health groups and or committees (CHCs) and enhance their coordination with the Ministry of Health, (MoH Community Health Service Structure), create and strengthen health learning system, strengthen community health groups as a bridge between communities and the MoH's community health service structures, and increase public awareness and knowledge.
YMCA delivers a range of development actions that are socially relevant to young people and communities. Our programs are divided into four programmatic themes as follows:
· Leadership Training and Mentoring
· Civic Education
· Peace Building
· Advocacy
· Intellectual Discourses/ Community Leadership Forums
The Liberia YMCA in its quest to provide friendly services to young people has over the years engaged in several initiatives aimed at creating health awareness and prevention of STDs and HIV among young people.
The YMCA runs a Youth Drop in Center (YDIC). Established by the Liberia YMCA in October 2007, the center provides counselling and guidance to hundreds of young people on teenage pregnancy, HIV AIDS, and STDs prevention and neglected health issues among others.
Prior to the establishment of the YOUTH Drop in Center, the Liberia YMCA ran similar program under the Adolescent and Reproductive Health Program. This also provided the opportunity for in and out of school youth to access information on STIs, as well as other reproductive health services including family planning, life skills training and voluntary counselling and testing. Services are being provided in several of the YMCA Program sites in Monrovia, Lofa, Bong and Nimba.
An important aspect of this program is the training and deployment of peer educators who provide support to their peers through counselling and condom distribution in all the communities of the project
Membership is the foundation of the YMCA and is also the conduit through which Liberia YMCA programs and community initiatives are carried out.
Under the membership drive, the YMCA isbuilding a constituency of members committed to practising the YMCA missions, vision and core values, thereby enhancing branch capacity and developing communities.
Membershipis the foundationof theYMCAworldwide.Membershipinthe LiberiaYMCAisaPartnership inMissiontofostersocialjustice,humanrights,equalopportunitiesties.Any man, woman, boy or girl who subscribes to the YMCA mission is eligible for membership regardless of sex, age, ethnic, religious, cultural or social background.
YMCA delivers a range of development actions that are socially relevant to young people and communities. Our programs are divided into four programmatic themes one of which is Education.
The Liberia YMCA runs program in the informal sector as well as reading and literacy programs.
Computer Literacy:In its quest to make the youth population of Liberia computer literate, the YMCA run a computer training program at its National Headquarters in Monrovia, (Somalia Drive and GSA Road) and several of its schools in Montserrado providing computer literacy to thousands of young men and women.
Modern Computer Laboratories have been set up in at YMCA centers and or branches in Gbarnga, Unification Town, Ganta.
Training and Youth Development:The YMCA has trained thousands of young people under various programs, many of whom are contributing to the development of their communities and country.